Twelve Award-Winning Christian Authors Ask for Your Prayers and Witnessing to Help Save One Million Souls in 2011
WESTON, Massachusetts/ December 6, 2010/Christian Newswire/ -- During 2010, authors of the new Bible-based Christian books, 2,000 Percent Living, [] ways to be hundreds of times more fruitful for God, Witnessing Made Easy, [ and] how an average-sized church can help hundreds of thousands be saved, and Ways You Can Witness, [] for broadening church witnessing, believe their witnessing and witnessing training helped 500,000 people to repent and to follow Jesus. For 2011, the authors have just set a goal to help over 1,000,000 unbelievers gain Salvation. They ask for prayers of all believers to gain supernatural support to make their efforts successful.
By employing these methods, the Holy Spirit can lead Christian churches to make great gains for the Kingdom of God. These methods won a global contest to find more fruitful ways to serve God. The methods will be featured in Help Wanted, to be published in January.
Jesus said, “But he who received seed on the good ground is he who hears the word and understands it, who indeed bears fruit and produces: some a hundredfold, some sixty, some thirty.” – Matthew 13:23 (NKJV) and “Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit,” – Matthew 28:19 (NKJV)
Donald Mitchell, author of 2,000 Percent Living and Help Wanted, coauthor of the witnessing books, and founder of the 400 Year Project (to accelerate improvements in all human endeavors, from spiritual to material, as described in Adventures of an Optimist) observed, “During the Christmas season, it’s easy to focus on giving and receiving physical gifts rather than serving the Lord. My coauthors and I are making our personal goals for witnessing fruitfulness public to seek prayers from and to encourage Christians to learn about these methods and accomplish more in helping nonbelievers gain Salvation. In this way, more eternal Christmas gifts will be given and received in His glorious name.”
To help meet this goal, over seven million tracts and other witnessing materials have been recently distributed through Step by Step Ministries [], headed by Jim and Carla Barbarossa, coauthors of Witnessing Made Easy.
Labels: 2000 percent living, Christ, christian fruitfulness, Christian witnessing, help wanted, Jesus, Jesus Christ, salvation, ways you can witness, witnessing made easy