Bill Keller wrote a devotional today that I recommend to
you for your consideration. It has food for thought. He
has given me permission to copy his e-mails, and I'm sure
he would be happy if you would share this with people you
know as well.
Is it enough to be saved? Jesus wants us to do more.
Please read on.
( Acts 20:35 )
Helping others is not an option. One of the most
compelling things about the accounts of Jesus' life in
the Gospels is His compassion for those who were
hurting. Jesus loved people. Jesus had a heart for
those who were looking for hope. It does not take a
Biblical scholar to understand that as a child of God,
helping others is the main job God has given us to do.
The scriptures are full of exhortations to help those
in need, the poor, the widows. While the needs of
some people are obvious, we are also to be there for
those whose needs may not be as obvious, the
spiritually poor.
You see, the spiritually poor are looking for answers
to the questions of life. When the challenges of this
life become overwhelming, they are looking for
answers, looking for hope. A person in this state of
mind, at this place in their life is in desperate need
of a word from God. Where does that word come from?
From the people God sends into their life, YOU AND ME!
I realize many of you today are facing great battles
in your life. Struggles with sin. Struggles on your
job or at school. Struggles in your family
relationships. Struggles with your finances.
Struggles with your health. Let me share something
with you that I learned years ago. It was at the
height of my personal struggles, when my natural
tendency was to focus solely on the battles I was
facing, that I would seek out ways to serve God by
helping someone else.
Even though my battles didn't go away, they became
more manageable. The struggles weren't as difficult
and answers to my problems came a little easier. Why?
I am convinced the Bible teaches us that if we will be
about our Father's business, He will be about our
business. It is a spiritual principle that works!!!
I want to challenge you today. Pray about who it is
God has put in your life who is hurting and needing
hope in the midst of a difficult situation. It may be
someone in your family. Possibly a friend. Maybe
someone at church. It could be a person at your work
or in your school. God has strategically placed you
in the life of someone today who is hurting and in
need of a word from God.
Once you have prayed and God shows you who it is,
reach out to that person. Have a cup of coffee or a
bite to eat with them. Go do something together. Get
that person in a one-on-one situation and let them
know they are not alone in their battle, that they are
not alone in whatever they are going through. You are
there to stand with them, to pray with them, and to
help them see victory. Often, it is not necessary to
do more than just reach out in love to that person who
is hurting, for them to see and feel the love of Christ
coming from you. I have always said it is usually not
what we say, but what we do that shows the Christ in us
to others.
I love you, and care about you so much. I will be
praying for you today because I know you are going
through problems in your life. I am reaching out to
you to let you know I will pray for you, I will stand
with you, and I will be here to help you overcome
whatever the battles are in your life. God has given
us each other because He never expected us to go
through this journey alone. We are to bear one
another's burdens.
Today, reach out to that person God has placed on your
heart. Show them the love of Christ through your
actions. Let them know they are not alone, that
someone cares for them. That can be the difference
between victory and defeat in their life, between them
living without hope, and moving forward victoriously
over the problems in their life. Never forget, helping
others is not an option, it is what God has called His
children to do.
In His love and service,
Your friend and brother in Christ,
Bill Keller
***If I can help you in any way you can contact me
through my personal email at
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(C) Copyright 2006, Bill Keller Ministries.
All rights reserved
May God bless you as you learn from this message!
Donald W. Mitchell, Your Dream Concierge
Copyright 2006 Donald W. Mitchell