Bill Keller wrote a devotional today that I
recommend to you for your consideration. It has food for
thought. He has given me permission to copy his e-mails,
and I'm sure he would be happy if you would share this
with people you know as well.
Back in the 1960's, there was a bumper sticker that
became popular. It said "Question Authority". Today's
devotional suggests that we apply that advice to what
talk show hosts espouse and encourage us to believe,
even those who are obviously trying to do good things.
Please read on.
( Deuteronomy 13:5, Isaiah 9:15 )
and wife of this man received the greatest Mother's Day
present there is, the salvation of a son and husband.
Watch this powerful moment from the Liveprayer TV
program this past Friday night!
Rev. Oprah? Why Oprah is so dangerous: For the nearly 7
years Liveprayer has been around, I have continually
exposed this New Age false-hope merchant and warned
people of how dangerous she is. If Oprah Winfrey was
simply another Hollywood entertainer I could care less
about her. What makes her so dangerous is that while her
program normally deals with the same subject matter the
raunchy Jerry Springer program does, Oprah also deals
with the very real day-to-day issues of life and uses her
nationally-syndicated television program to tell people
how to live. The authority she speaks from? Herself,
We are living in a time where the better percentage of
two full generations don't go to church. People still
hit those difficult places in life and at those moments
they are looking for help and for hope. Sadly, the
Christian leaders of our day have abandoned the
marketplace and secular television for the safety and
prosperity of the "Christian trough." In so doing, they
have left the lost and hurting masses looking for a
savior, someone to come along and help them through the
difficult moments of life, tell them how to live, and
give them hope. To fill this void in people's spiritual
lives, along comes Oprah!
People defend her by saying she is not a theologian or a
preacher, she is a talk-show host and entertainer. I
agree. However, that is not how she portrays herself or
positions herself. She has eagerly cashed in to the tune
of over $1 BILLION DOLLARS on being the spiritual guru to
over 49 million people a week! The authority she speaks
from is what she has determined truth to be, her views on
right and wrong, her values and morals, as opposed to the
only Truth and authority there is...God's Word!
Lest you think I have overstated my case and have been
wrong all these years, please take a moment to read some
quotes from a recent article in the USA Today on "the
Divine Miss Winfrey."
"Over the past year, Winfrey, 52, has emerged as a
spiritual leader for the new millennium, a moral voice of
authority for the nation."
"With her television pulpit and the sheer power of her
persona, she has encouraged and steered audiences (mostly
women) in all matters, from genocide in Rwanda to
suburban spouse swapping to finding the absolute best
T-shirt and oatmeal cookie."
" 'She's a really hip and materialistic Mother Teresa,'
says Kathryn Lofton, a professor at Reed College in
Portland, Ore., who has written two papers analyzing the
religious aspects of Winfrey. 'Oprah has emerged as a
symbolic figurehead of spirituality.' "
" 'She's a moral monitor, using herself as the template
against which she measures the decency of a nation,'
Lofton says."
"With 49 million viewers each week in the USA and more in
the 122 other countries to which the show is distributed,
Winfrey reaches more people in a TV day than most
preachers can hope to reach in a lifetime of sermons."
"In a November poll conducted at, a site
that looks at how religions and spirituality intersect
with popular culture, 33% of 6,600 respondents said
Winfrey has had "a more profound impact" on their
spiritual lives than their clergypersons."
"Winfrey called her talk show her 'ministry.' "
"Marcia Nelson says that it's not going too far to call
her a spiritual leader. 'I've said to a number of people
- she's today's Billy Graham.'"
" 'Our culture is changing,' she says, 'as churches are
in decline and the bulk of a new generation is growing
up outside of religion.' Instead, they're turning to the
Church of Oprah."
" 'People who have no religion relate to her,' Nelson
It is clearly established that Oprah Winfrey views herself
as some sort of spiritual leader, and based on the 49
million viewers of her TV program, you can laugh at that
notion but can't ignore the fact she has an incredible
amount of influence over tens of millions of lives. Let
me be clear. The danger of Oprah Winfrey is that like
any cult leader, her version of the truth and her final
authority are not from God but from herself! It has
been clearly documented from transcripts that Oprah
Winfrey may use the name of "God," and very rarely
"Jesus," and use many "Christian" expressions, but so
does the Mormon cult! While she was raised in the
Baptist church, she has been a long-time member (though
rarely attends) of a very liberal church in Chicago that
mixes Christian faith with New Age spirituality.
Because she has never been married, choosing instead of
live for decades outside the bonds of God's Holy
Institution with a man who is not her husband, Oprah has
a jaundiced view on this most sacred bond between a
man and woman. Oprah embraces the New Age philosophy that
there are "many roads that lead to God," a lie from the
pits of hell itself. On her program she promotes and
endorses cults like Scientology, Kaballah, those who
speak to the dead, psychics, and people of ANY
"spirituality." There is only ONE GOD, the God of the
Bible, the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, and to
promote the false gods of this world makes Oprah an
enemy of God!
As for the social issues, Oprah condones and supports
those who choose to engage in the sin of homosexuality.
Oprah is on the record supporting a "woman's right to
choose," code for slaughtering innocent babies. While
she gives lip service to being pro-family, Oprah's
definition of the family is whatever men want it to be,
not what God says it is! Again, the truth Oprah espouses
comes from her own imagination, not from the only
authority and source of Truth there is, the Bible. By
going against God's Word on the key social issues of our
day makes Oprah an enemy of God.
I could go on, but there is no reason to. Simply denying
the Bible as the only Truth there is, God as the one and
only God there is, and faith in Jesus Christ as the one
and ONLY WAY to be saved, makes this woman dangerous and
a false prophet in every sense of the word. What makes a
person a false prophet is that they lead you AWAY from
God, Biblical Truth and Jesus Christ. Sadly, those who
follow this false prophet, this merchant of false hope,
put their eternal souls in peril. That is why I have
warned people for years about her and will continue to.
I love you and care about you so much. I know all the
Oprah disciples who spend hundreds of dollars to go hear
her preach the "gospel of Oprah" at her seminars, buy her
books and magazine, watch her faithfully every day, hang
on her every word, will run to her defense by pointing
out all the good she does. I don't doubt for a second
that Oprah uses some of her billions to help others. That
is not the issue. The Mormon cult feeds the hungry,
clothes the naked, and visits the prisoners, yet they are
still lost and going to hell for rejecting Jesus Christ.
The Mafia gives millions to worthwhile causes that help
those in need, but that doesn't make them good people.
God's Word teaches you can't buy your way into heaven!
So what is the answer to Rev. Oprah? She is locked in.
One of the most powerful women in the entertainment
business. She is not going away and now that she is at
least being honest about her "spiritual guru" status,
will become even bolder in trying to position herself as
the spiritual leader of the nation. By the way, this is
EXACTLY how the anti-Christ will rise to power and the
one-world religion will come to be. A charismatic figure
who can control the masses and fill their spiritual needs
by feeding them a perverse theology that makes them feel
good for the moment.
The answer is to take on Oprah just like Elijah took on
the prophets of Baal, head-on! In the end, the TRUTH
will always win out over the lie. False hope will always
give way to true hope. The false prophet will always be
exposed when confronted by a true prophet of God. I have
told you many times that what we are dealing with is a
battle for the souls of men. This is why I am so
passionate about taking the Liveprayer television program
nationwide. It will be a beacon of light in the darkness
of this world for Biblical Truth and lead people to the
only answer there is..Jesus Christ!
The reality is, for over 3 years now, night after night I
have done on the Liveprayer television program what Oprah
does on her program: Deal with the pressing issues of
the day, reach out to people who are hurting, and give
them answers for their life. The difference? I let them
know that I can't help them and I am not their answer,
Jesus is! I deal with the issues of the day not from a
worldly perspective but a Biblical one! The answers
for the hurting I share are not from my imagination but
from God's Word! The truth I share is not my truth, it
is God's Truth! The hope I give people is not a false
hope, but the ONLY hope there is...JESUS CHRIST!
(Sadly, many high profile Christians will go on Oprah's
program and rather than confront her and challenge the
false theology she espouses, say nothing so they can sell
whatever book they are pushing. David had no fear in
taking on Goliath on his own turf. David was a shepherd,
not a great man of war like Goliath. I have no fear in
taking on Oprah on her own turf. I am an evangelist, not
a great television and entertainment celebrity like
Oprah. David didn't need the fancy armor of Saul, only a
few pebbles. I don't need fancy buildings and studios,
only a few pebbles and that is why I am asking you at
this time to help me. Supply me with the pebbles I need
and our God will do the rest!)
The world has always had false prophets, merchants of
false hope. Oprah, her creation "Dr. Phil," Montel, are
simply some of the more notable ones of our day. I expose
them for who they are, talk about them, because they are
leading people AWAY from the only Truth there is and AWAY
from the only hope there is. Pray for Oprah today. The
fact is, Oprah could become a powerful woman of God if
she would humble herself before the Almighty, get on her
knees and confess Jesus Christ as Lord, and stop
preaching the gospel of Oprah but the Gospel of Jesus Christ!
In His love and service,
Your friend and brother in Christ,
Bill Keller
***If I can help you in any way you can contact me
through my personal email at
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(C) Copyright 2006, Bill Keller Ministries.
All rights reserved
May God bless you as you learn from this message!
Donald W. Mitchell, Your Dream Concierge
Copyright 2006 Donald W. Mitchell