Friday, May 12, 2006

Avoid Tragedy on Prom Night

Good morning, Happy Souls!

Bill Keller wrote a devotional today that I
recommend to you. He has given me permission to
copy his e-mails, and I'm sure he would be happy if
you would share this with people you know as well.

Do you remember your Prom night? If you are like me,
you had friends who were drunk, drove drunk, used drugs,
engaged in inappropriate sexual behavior . . . and that
was just early in the evening. It got worse later on.

Be sure you alert young people to the important moral and
physical dangers of Prom night!

Please read on.


(James 4:14, Matthew 7:24-27)

***LIVEPRAYER RADIO IS ON THE AIR! Now on the website,
we have a 24/7 radio station that is up and running.
Each day there are selected readings from God's Word,
that day's Daily Devotional, and hundreds of the great
old hymns of the faith! Check it out at:

***A MUST READ FOR YOUNG ADULTS! We are coming up on the
time of year when most schools will be holding their Proms.
This is a wonderful time in the life of a young adult.
Sadly, every year I receive emails about young men and
women who lost their lives or had them dramatically
altered because of poor decisions they made on what should
have been a special night in their life. Please read this
powerful Devotional today and forward it to every young
man and woman you know who will be attending a Prom in the
coming weeks.

Let me give you young adults a word of wise counsel. Have
a GREAT time at your Prom. Enjoy this special event in
your life. However, never forget that you are a son or
daughter of the Lord Jesus Christ. You are the "light of
this world," the "salt of the earth." As a child of God,
you are the HEAD, not the tail! We are called to live UP
to the standards of God, not DOWN to the standards of this
world. SET AN EXAMPLE at your prom!

You can have a great time without drinking, without doing
drugs, without engaging in sex. You have your entire life
ahead of you, don't listen to the lies of satan. Never
forget, Jesus told us his goal in John chapter 10, and that
is to KILL, STEAL, and DESTROY...YOU! I will be praying
for you on this special occasion in your life. Make Jesus
proud of you, He is watching!

Your life can change in a spilt second. One of the things
that I dread most are the emails I receive daily of
tragedy striking people's lives. Never a day goes by that
I don't get many emails from people who have recently
experienced life-changing events. Situations that took
the life that they were living, and turned it upside down.
People write me daily how they came home and their husband
or wife decided they wanted a divorce. I get many from
people who have been involved in automobile accidents
where they, or a loved one, was injured in some way. Some
tell me how a spouse, child, or family member died without
any warning.

There have been numerous emails of people losing all of
their money in the stock market or some business venture.
Never a day goes by that I don't get people emailing me
for prayer because they have lost their job. There are
always some emails that tell of a visit to the doctor and
a report of a serious illness. For all these people and
those like them, they were just living their life, and in
a spilt second, their world was turned upside down.

The key lesson that I want you to take away today is that
we should NEVER take for granted what we have. All that
we have is a gift from God. We must realize that
anything we have in this life is temporary. The people
that are in our lives, the places that we live, the jobs
that we do, the resources that we have....are all
temporary. They can change in a moment's notice. One
dear brother and sister in England that have been part of
Liveprayer since day one operate a large farm. Last year
they watched 70 years of hard work by their family
destroyed overnight by the terrible problem they had in
that country with diseased animals.

In one day, one minute, one second, our life can be
dramatically changed. The uncertainty of life is all the
more reason why we need to cling to our daily walk with
Christ. Our time with Him in prayer, in the Word, just
fellowshipping, helps us to keep our focus on the big
picture so that no matter how the winds of life may blow,
we are anchored to the Rock.

I do not mean to scare you today, or try to intimidate you
in any way into getting more serious about your walk with
Jesus. I am simply trying to point out that so often we
get comfortable in our life. We begin to take the
blessings of God for granted. We get apathetic about the
things that go on around us. In that process, we let our
guard down and forget how dependent upon the Lord that we
really are. We forget that without Him, "we can do
nothing!!!" We lose sight of the fact that He, not we, are
in control of the things that go on around us.

The storms of life can come at any moment and without
warning. It is imperative that we always be prepared.
Not in a paranoid sense of waiting for bad things to
happen, but prepared spiritually knowing that no matter
what happens, God is still on the throne. He is always
in total control. He allows the things that happen to us
to happen. The logical question is why? The only
legitimate answer is nobody knows but God. It is in
those times that our faith must become real. We must
trust Him that no matter what. He has His plan and
purpose at work, and it is our job to exercise our faith
and trust in Him at all times.

For those of you today that have had major, life-
changing experiences recently, let me encourage you.
The same God who has walked with you in the past, is the
same God who will walk with you today. The same God who
has delivered you from trouble before, is the same God
who will deliver you from trouble today.

Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever!
Now is the time to press into Him. Get closer to the
Lord than ever before. He is our only refuge in times of
trouble. His promises are true, and He will not leave
you nor forsake you. His love is real and unconditional.
I will be praying today for you to open your heart and
receive all He has for you this day as you walk through
the valley and up onto the mountaintop.

I love you, and care about you very much. It hurts me so
much to read of the pain and heartache in so many lives
each day. But Jesus warned His disciples just hours
before going to the cross that in this world they would
have tribulation. He then encouraged them by telling
them to "be of good cheer, for I have overcome this
world." Amen! What a promise!

That means no matter what you are facing in your life
today, Christ has overcome that circumstance or situation.
He has already won the victory. You can't lose no matter
what it may look like if you are with Jesus. He will
ALWAYS have the final word in every situation. Our lives
can change in a split second, but our God NEVER CHANGES!

In His love and service,
Your friend and brother in Christ,
Bill Keller

***If I can help you in any way you can contact me
through my personal email at

ETERNITY? The fact is you will die one day. At
that moment, you will either spend eternity with
the Lord or be cast into everlasting darkness
forever separated from God your creator. To know
for certain you will be forever with Jesus, go to:

receiving your Daily Devotional again. LPeMail is
an effective email SPAM filtering application
that most ISP's charge $10/mo, for FREE! Get your
LPeMail account now at:

***I am excited to let you know that the Liveprayer
Daily Devotional is now available via AUDIO each
day. Simply go to
Also, you can now listen to the Daily Devotional by
phone by calling toll-free,1-888-382-4662, or
access it on your wireless device by going to:

(C) Copyright 2006, Bill Keller Ministries.
All rights reserved


May God bless you as you learn from this message!

Donald W. Mitchell, Your Dream Concierge

Copyright 2006 Donald W. Mitchell

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Evangelize in the United States!

Good morning, Happy Souls!

Bill Keller wrote a devotional today that I
recommend to you. He has given me permission to
copy his e-mails, and I'm sure he would be happy if
you would share this with people you know as well.

Where can you save souls? Start in your family,
move out to your neighborhood and then across town.
You don't have to leave your own country to find lost

Please read on.


( Mark 16:15, 2 Timothy 4:2, Isaiah 43:10 )

The greatest mission field in the world in 2006 is
.......THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA! I am grateful
daily for the dedicated and faithful men and women of
God, the tremendous organizations God has raised up, to
take the Gospel into the far corners of the world.
Never before in human history have we had such a
tremendous effort to reach every human soul in the
world with the hope of Christ, not just with traditional
missionary efforts of sending people into each town and
village on the planet, but also through the use of modern
communications like satellite television, radio, and
the Internet.

I am grateful for the small part Liveprayer plays each
day with over 20%, or approx. 400,000 of our subscribers
being outside the United States without ever having had
any real strategy to reach people in foreign lands.
That is one of our agenda items by the end of the year to
have a more strategic plan to reach people in other
nations by having the Daily Devotional available each day
on the website in many foreign languages.

Last year, my wife and I spent a day and a half in Atlanta,
Georgia. Metropolitan Atlanta currently has over 4
million people living there and is the home of nearly
10,000 Christian churches and many great ministries
touching lives for Christ worldwide. As I was taking a
quiet walk late on Saturday night, just chatting with
the Lord and enjoying a time of fellowship, God was
speaking to my heart how the greatest mission field in
2006 is not in some far off country but right here in
the United States. The reality is, despite all the
churches, all of the Christian ministries in Greater
Atlanta, if the world ceases to exist today the vast
majority of the 4 million souls living in and around
that great city will be eternally lost.

I am certain many people reading this are going to be
puzzled how the United States of all places could be the
greatest mission field in the world today. It doesn't
make sense. After all, so much of the history of this
nation is tied directly to God and His Word. The message
of Christ and His love has been declared here for nearly
400 years like no other place ever before. This nation
has produced more missionaries and missionary efforts to
the world than any other in the history of Christendom.
There are more Christian churches, more para-church
ministries of every kind, as well as Christian
television, radio, music and publishing entities than
ever. So how could the United States be the greatest
missionary field in the world in 2006?

Despite all of the churches and all of the Christian
organizations, the vast majority of the 300 million
people living in the United States in 2006 do NOT know
Jesus Christ as their personal Savior. The largest
percentage of the last 2 generations have never even
been to church. There is obviously a major paradox here
that must be understood since the eternal souls of
people are at stake. The church used to set the tone for
the culture we lived in. That is no longer the case.
The church has very little influence on our culture today.
A great battle for the hearts and souls of men took place
in earnest in the '60s. Instead of standing firm and
fighting, the church gave up. The church retreated to a
corner and simply became a piece of our culture instead of
being the dominant influence of our culture.

It was due to the church's lack of effectiveness that gave
rise over these past 40 years to what never existed before,
para church ministries and entire industries created
solely for Christians. All of the various specialized
ministries that exist today were once ministries of the
local church. Most churches quit visiting those who were
in prison which gave rise to prison ministries like Prison
Fellowship. Most churches quit ministering to their men
which gave rise to men's ministries like Promise Keepers.
Most churches quit praying for the needs of their people
which gave rise to ministries like Liveprayer!

There have been Christians on television since the
beginning of TV, just like there have been Christians on
radio since radio started, just like there have always
been Christian books, magazines, and music. It has only
been in the past 40 years or so that we have set up our
own TV stations and networks, our own radio stations and
networks, our own music labels, our own book and
publishing companies, literally abandoning the mainstream
secular vehicles that reach the masses daily to market
directly to people who are already Christians.

Why? There is only one reason, MONEY. It became
financially profitable to abandon the masses of lost and
hurting people who needed the message of Christ the most
and focus instead on marketing directly to those who
already were Christians. If you are a business man who
sells tires, you aren't going to spend your time and money
trying to sell them to people who don't have a car.
Rather than competing with the message the world was
sending out to the masses each day, Christians abandoned
the lost and hurting in the marketplace and set up their
own industries to reach people who already were Christians
because it was good "business."

For the church to take back its rightful place as the
dominant influence on our culture instead of simply being
part of our culture, it has to do two things. First is
evangelism. The church has got to get out of the
maintenance mode it is in and start reaching the lost and
hurting with the Gospel. Practically speaking, the old
saints are dying and for the church to survive it has got
to start reaching out to the lost and getting them saved.
The other thing the church must do is get back to the
BIBLE. The Bible is God's inspired, inerrant Word,
representing absolute truth and our final authority in
all matters. The reason you have churches that embrace
sins like homosexuality and killing babies and many others
is that they have abandoned the authority of God's Word.
Pastors don't need to come up with clever sermons on
Sunday morning to tickle the ears of the people, they
simply need to preach the uncompromised truth of God's

I love you and care about you so much. The fact is, God
has called each of His children to share Christ with the
lost. Each person reading this today has people in your
life that God has placed there for you to speak to about
the Lord. They are not there by accident. I want to
encourage you today to step up to the plate and fulfill
that responsibility God has given you to share His love
with others. The greatest way to witness to a person is
simply to tell them what Jesus has done in your life.
People may argue with you about the Bible and about who
God is and many other things, but they can't argue with
you about what the Lord has done in your life.

You don't need to be a theologian to witness to someone.
Two facts nobody will dispute is that one day we will all
die and that each of us sins. Through Christ their sins
can be forgiven and they can have the assurance that when
they die they will be forever with Him. All of the rest
will fall into place over time as they grow in their faith
and in the knowledge of God and His Word. It is a growth
process but you can't start that process until you are
"born again." That is the starting point. I will be
praying for you as God gives you the boldness and words to
share Christ with others in your life.

As I walked with the Lord in the quiet of the Atlanta
night that Saturday, God spoke to me about the 4-million
souls in that metropolitan area, the vast majority that
did not know Christ as their Savior. He then spoke to me
about the over 300 million who live in the United States,
again, the vast majority living their lives without Christ.
The Bible is clear that the person who dies without Jesus
will be lost for all eternity. Without a doubt, to get to
the greatest mission field in the world today you don't
need to pack your suitcase and get on a plane to go to some
far away land, simply walk out your front door.

"Then He said to his disciples, 'The harvest is plentiful
but the workers are few.' " (Matthew 9:37 NIV)

In His love and service,
Your friend and brother in Christ,
Bill Keller

***If I can help you in any way you can contact me
through my personal email at

ETERNITY? The fact is you will die one day. At
that moment, you will either spend eternity with
the Lord or be cast into everlasting darkness
forever separated from God your creator. To know
for certain you will be forever with Jesus, go to:

receiving your Daily Devotional again. LPeMail is
an effective email SPAM filtering application
that most ISP's charge $10/mo, for FREE! Get your
LPeMail account now at:

***I am excited to let you know that the Liveprayer
Daily Devotional is now available via AUDIO each
day. Simply go to
Also, you can now listen to the Daily Devotional by
phone by calling toll-free,1-888-382-4662, or
access it on your wireless device by going to:

(C) Copyright 2006, Bill Keller Ministries.
All rights reserved


May God bless you as you learn from this message!

Donald W. Mitchell, Your Dream Concierge

Copyright 2006 Donald W. Mitchell

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

God Is Faithful to Those Who Are Faithful to Him: A Case History

Good morning, Happy Souls!

Bill Keller wrote a devotional today that I
recommend to you. He has given me permission to
copy his e-mails, and I'm sure he would be happy if
you would share this with people you know as well.

Sometimes God sends us off to do what seems to be
impossible. But for God, all things are possible. When
we are faithfully following His will, His Grace can
open doors that we cannot open by ourselves. Our job?
Be faithful!

Please read on.


( Deuteronomy 7:9 )

"Know therefore that the LORD your God is God; he is the
faithful God, keeping his covenant of love to a thousand
generations of those who love him and keep his commands."
(Deuteronomy 7:9)

God is faithful! The word I want you to hear today is
that GOD IS FAITHFUL! No matter what you are going
through today, no matter what your situation or
circumstance may be, you can count on God being faithful.
He has not left you, He has not abandoned you, He has
promised in His Word to never leave you nor forsake you.
God will see you through whatever it is you are facing
today. He will give you His strength and courage to
endure, and you will walk in His victory in the end. God,
not man, will always have the last word!

Note in this wonderful testimony and promise of God's
faithfulness from the Book of Deuteronomy it says, "To
those who love Him and keep His commands." Do you want
to experience the faithfulness of God in your life? The
Bible say that if you love Him and if you follow His Word,
you have the assurance that God will be faithful! That
means no matter what trials or tribulations you may face
in your life, continue to love God and obey Him and you
have the promise and assurance from God Himself that He
will be faithful.

Over 7 years ago God gave me a vision for a live,
interactive website to minister to the hundreds of millions
of people on the Internet throughout the world. It would
be something nobody else was doing. Nobody but the
pornographers had a live video feed of a person online 24/7.
There were lots of prayer sites, but none were set up to
actually email back with personal responses to prayer
requests. There were many Devotionals on the Internet, but
none really addressed the daily issues of life we all face
and were set up to interact with the reader.

When Liveprayer was created in 1999, we had arrangements
with two venture capital firms to infuse Liveprayer with
approximately $12 million in capital after we hit the 6-
month mark. By the time we were 6 months old, the "Dot
Com" bubble had bust, both venture firms were bankrupt,
and I had no clue how Liveprayer would survive. I
continued to do the only thing I knew how and that was to
love God, obey His Word and show up each day to faithfully
serve Him. Several people who believed in the vision
loaned the ministry the money we needed to stay alive in
those early months and as we hit the 2-year mark, enough
people were donating so that we were able to meet our
monthly budget.

When God opened the door over 3 years ago for us to do a
"live" TV program for an hour, 5 nights a week, on a major
secular network, again, something nobody was or is doing,
one man and his wife loaned the ministry $150,000 to cover
the first 3 months on the air. I had no idea how we would
meet the $40,000/month TV budget after that, but I
continued to love God, obey His Word, and be faithful to
the work He had called me to do. Of course, God was
faithful as we are now into our 39th month now of being on
"live" for an hour every Monday-Friday on UPN in Tampa,

When God opened the door last July to expand to ABC in
Miami, West Palm Beach, Jacksonville, PAX in Orlando and
the WB in Ft. Myers in addition to being on each night in
Tampa, I knew this was the opportunity to see the ultimate
goal of having the program on nationwide become a reality.
I had no idea how we would meet the additional $100,000
each month to the TV budget, but God moved on my heart to
start "The 300" and it has been the great sacrifice so
far by 77 saints of God that has made the expansion of the
TV program possible. I have loved God, obeyed His Word,
and been faithful to the work He has called me to do and
meeting the TV budget each month has been a testimony of
His faithfulness.

In 55 days, 8 weeks from yesterday, God has opened the
doors for the Liveprayer TV program to go nationwide
"live" every Monday-Friday from Midnight-1 a.m EST on the
PAX (now called Ion) Network. The PDF files at the
bottom of this link ( )
will give you the complete coverage maps which will allow
us to reach over 83% of the nation. Our new TV budget
will be right at $10 million a year and our Internet
budget will increase to right at $1 million a year. Those
funds will come 100% from advertising revenues, meaning as
of July 1st I will no longer have to ask people to
financially support Liveprayer! My goal has never been to
see how much money I could raise, only raise what we
needed to do what God has called us to do...proclaim His
Truth to this lost world and save souls! As I continue to
love God, follow His Word and do my best to faithfully
serve Him each day, God continues to be faithful exactly
as He promised he would!

At every step in the 80+ month history of Liveprayer, God
has moved supernaturally to keep His work alive and help
us to reach more people. This is actually the final step
in the growth of this ministry, and by far the biggest of
all. At critical times it has always been someone who
God spoke to who was obedient to step up and help us. We
are at a critical time right now. Our initial payment to
PAX of $708,000 which covers our first 4 weeks starting
July 3rd was due May 1st. The catch-22 we are in is
that we need the rest of this month and the month of June
to tie down our initial 48 advertisers for those first 4
weeks and collect from them. We already have 3 contracts,
7 more contracts out for signature, and moving forward
daily on bringing in the rest. (For info on advertising,
contact me at: )

Obviously, once the program is actually on the air it will
give us much more leverage with future advertisers and
the success of the program will translate into the
financial success we will need to sustain it. We are
confident of that success not based on hope, but based on
the ratings and most importantly changed lives by the
program over the past 38 months in Tampa and 10 months
across the entire state of Florida. It has proven to be
a success in the Tampa market, it has proven to be a
success across the state of Florida, which is why I am
certain it will be a success on a national scale.

*Today, I am asking you to pray with me for God to bring
forth the one person who has the financial means and will
hear His voice and answer this call. Obviously it would be
nice if the $708,000 was a gift to the ministry, but
knowing we will have these revues from the advertising
dollars by the end of June, I have no problem entering into
a 60-day note and pay whatever interest we agree upon. It
took several to step up in those very early days of
Liveprayer to keep us alive when there was no other way,
it took someone to step up to make the Liveprayer TV
program a reality over 3 years ago, it has taken many key
individuals to step up and keep the TV program across the
entire state going these past 10 months, and today it is
going to be someone who can step up and help us meet this
current need. (If God is leading you to help, contact me
at: )

***Most people are content to watch and read about how
others serve God, while a few sacrifice all they have to
become the ones the rest watch and read about. Rather
than be satisfied reading about history, why not go out
and be part of making history? It is no accident or
coincidence God has brought you into the life of Liveprayer
and you are a big part of the special work of Liveprayer.
While I may be the face of this ministry, you and everyone
who has invested their prayers and treasure here are the
heart, and you storing up great rewards in Heaven!. I
serve God first, but I also serve you since you make this
all possible. I love God and you, I try daily to obey His
Word, and I will continue to be faithful to serve Him and
you to the best of my ability knowing God will be faithful
because He promised to!!!

I love you and care about you so much. In these past 80+
months, over 120,000 souls we know of have come to know
Jesus as their Savior, we have over 2 million praise
reports archived, each day over 2.2 million are ministered
to through the Daily Devotional, we send personal responses
to over 40,000 emails for prayer every day, and 5 nights a
week over 250,000 people watch the "live" TV program. Tens
of millions of lives worldwide have heard the Truth of
God's word, found hope in their time of need, and had their
lives impacted by Liveprayer because friends like YOU love
God, obey His Word, and God has been faithful!

Let me be blunt. Satan is boldly telling his lies 24/7
in the marketplace with little opposition. CBS will be
airing public service announcements labeling critics of
homosexuality as bigots! The Scientology cult is
unveiling a new "Super Powers" program to lure more into
their cult. God has given me the spiritual guts to go
into that same marketplace and call sin sin, warn people
of the cults and false religions of this world, tell
people that without Jesus they are going to hell, while
bringing hope to the hurting and unleashing the power of
God in people's lives. Every Monday thru Friday for the
past 166 weeks I have been in the TV studio each night
faithfully doing this on the Liveprayer TV program.

It is long past time for someone with the spiritual guts
to compete with the Oprahs and Phils and Montels of the
world, as well as all the rest who are on TV each day
giving people false hope and leading them away from
Jesus. I have been faithfully serving him with my every
breath for over 16 years, paying the price those many
years by literally giving my life as a living sacrifice
for the work of the Kingdom. I am very aware that God has
called me forth and raised me up in this day and hour for
this job.

One of my staff asked me the other day what happens if we
don't get the $708,000 we need. I told him I had not even
thought about it since I know somehow, some way, God will
make a way. What is at stake are the eternal souls of
people who are heading to hell. Within the first year the
TV program will be reaching well over 1 million viewers,
the vast majority of them won't be Christians. By the end
of the first year we will have well over 5 million
subscribers to the Daily Devotional. We will be a loud,
bold, and visible voice for Biblical truth that the world
will not be able to ignore! We are battling for the souls
of men and God will make a way!

It is God that birthed and sustained Liveprayer, not Bill
Keller. My job is to love Him, obey Him, be faithful to
do the work He has called me to do each day and leave the
rest up to Him. Please pray today about letting God use
you to be part of the life changing, soul saving work of

Let me leave you with this word of encouragement. The
same God who has been faithful in my life, the same God
who has been faithful in the life of Liveprayer, is the
very same God ho will be faithful to YOU! The key is to
love God, follow His Word, and know that God will be
faithful because He said He would!

In His love and service,
Your friend and brother in Christ,
Bill Keller

***If I can help you in any way you can contact me
through my personal email at

ETERNITY? The fact is you will die one day. At
that moment, you will either spend eternity with
the Lord or be cast into everlasting darkness
forever separated from God your creator. To know
for certain you will be forever with Jesus, go to:

receiving your Daily Devotional again. LPeMail is
an effective email SPAM filtering application
that most ISP's charge $10/mo, for FREE! Get your
LPeMail account now at:

***I am excited to let you know that the Liveprayer
Daily Devotional is now available via AUDIO each
day. Simply go to
Also, you can now listen to the Daily Devotional by
phone by calling toll-free,1-888-382-4662, or
access it on your wireless device by going to:

(C) Copyright 2006, Bill Keller Ministries.
All rights reserved


May God bless you as you learn from this message!

Donald W. Mitchell, Your Dream Concierge

Copyright 2006 Donald W. Mitchell

Monday, May 08, 2006

Be Prepared for Challenges Based on the Da Vinci Code Movie

Good morning, Happy Souls!

Bill Keller wrote a devotional today that I
recommend to you. He has given me permission to
copy his e-mails, and I'm sure he would be happy if
you would share this with people you know as well.

Many non-Christians will take this fictional movie and
assume that it has some basis in fact. If you testify
about your belief in Jesus, you can expect many questions
after people see the movie.

This is probably a great opportunity to share the real
Gospel with non-believers. So take a few minutes to
prepare yourself now.

Please read on.


(2 Peter 2:1-3, 1 John 2:21, Titus 1:14, 2 Timothy 4:4,
Romans 1:25, John 17:17) *READ EVERY VERSE SLOWLY AND

BE RELEASED. Due to the incredible popularity of the
book, despite the protests and boycotts of Christian
groups it will do HUGE box office numbers around the
world. Here is why. People who live their lives in
rebellion to God and the Truth of His Word are always
looking for something to justify their rejection of
God, the Bible, and Jesus Christ. Blasphemous fictional
garbage like "The Da Vinci Code" gives them the false
sense of secuirty they yearn for to continue living in
rebellion to the Truth.

The problem with books and movies like "The Da Vinci
Code" is that it causes the faithful to doubt and is
leading people's eternal souls into everlasting damnation.
The lies proffered in works of fiction like this book and
movie cause those who know the Lord but are Biblically
illiterate to doubt the truth of the Gospel. Sadly, those
who have rejected the Lord already die in their sin having
been emboldened in their rejection of God's love and the
hope of Christ by the lies told in blasphemous works like

Back in November of 2003, before anyone in the Christian
community figured out how to ride the coat tails of the
success of this fictional garbage by creating anti-Da
Vinci code books and tapes, I exposed (for free) this
blasphemous work of fiction and armed the Liveprayer
family with all they needed to refute those who ignorantly
believed the stories proffered by author Dan Brown.
Below is that Devotional for you to read again and pass
on to everyone you know. In the end, there is really only
one thing you need to know about "The Da Vinci Code"....
it is fiction! It is no different than Harry Potter or
Alice in Wonderland! IT IS FICTION!

"They exchanged the truth of God for a lie..."
(Romans 1:25)

( Daily Devotional from November 5, 2003 )

Exchanging the truth for a lie. One of the hottest books
out today is a book called, "The Da Vinci Code" by Dan
Brown. Due to the controversy surrounding this book, I
bought it over the weekend and read it. Let me point out
what is probably the most important fact of all about
this book. It is not found in the pages of the book, but
on the cover. In big gold letters on the cover is the
name of the book, and next to it, in very small white
letters are two words, A NOVEL! Before we go any further,
please understand that this book is A NOVEL, it is

The problem with this book, and the reason I am dealing
with it today, is because of its controversial content
regarding the truth of the Bible and the life of Jesus
Christ. The author, Dan Brown, does not hold any
theological degrees, and he was an English teacher before
he began writing books. There is no information available
about his personal theological beliefs, and repeated calls
to his office asking that question were never returned.

In this FICTIONAL work, the author has Emperor Constantine
as the one who decided on the content of the Bible for
purely political reasons. In this FICTIONAL work, the
author has Jesus married to Mary Magdalene and they have
a child.

Now, let's deal with FACTS, NOT FICTION. The FACT is,
Constantine had nothing to do with the content of the Bible.
By 300 B.C. at the latest, all of the Old Testament books
had been written, collected, revered, and recognized as
official, canonical books. Many believe that the prophet
Ezra led the first recognition counsel. During the Third
Council of Carthage, held in 397 A.D. the 27 books of the
New Testament were declared canonical. It must be
understood that the Bible is NOT an authorized collection
of books, but rather a collection of authorized books.
The 27 New Testament books were not inspired because the
Carthage Council proclaimed them to be, but rather the
Council proclaimed them to be such because they were
already inspired! There are MANY great books on the
inspiration and inerrancy of the Bible at your local
Christian bookstore, and I suggest that ALL Christians
make the time to read such books so you never doubt that
the Bible is exactly what it claims of itself, GOD'S

Another FACT is, Jesus was NEVER MARRIED! Mary Magdalene
was NOT His wife. They did NOT have a child together.
The really sad thing is that I even have to expose such
blasphemy. As I have shared with you, the largest
percentage of two full generations in this nation do not
go to church and are NOT Christians, this is NOT A
CHRISTIAN NATION! That is why a book like this is so
dangerous. People who read it, who are Biblically
illiterate, think this work of FICTION is actually fact!

(Note: The reason Jesus was never married and never had
children is simple. Jesus only had one mission in this
life and that was to die. Not to get married, not to
father children, but to die as the one-time perfect
sacrifice for the sins of the world. Those who proffer
he was married, had children, do so in sheer ignorance
and a total lack of understanding of Christ's mission in

Even worse, you have the major television networks that
are taking this work of FICTION and proffering its
contents as possible historical fact! This is not only
journalistic malpractice, it can only be a conscious and
orchestrated attack on the truth of God's Word by people
that do not hold the Bible to be true. The ABC Special
on this issue Monday night was not only blasphemous and
an abomination to God, but a tool satan will use to take
people of no faith and make them believe the lie to be
the truth. No doubt all the other broadcast networks will
pick up on this topic and also proffer the content of this
work of FICTION as fact, and the general public will hear
it enough times from enough different sources to believe
the lie to be the truth.

This is the very reason I am so passionate about the
television program I do 5 nights a week and why I do it
on COMMERCIAL television networks. This is why I am
working daily on expanding the program into new markets.

I love you and care about you so much. I have told you
often that for the person who rejects God, who has
rejected Christ in their life, and who live in rebellion
to the truth of God's Word, they MUST reject the Bible
since it is the very book that condemns them. Taking a
book of FICTION like "The Da Vinci Code," and proffering
that fictional story as historical fact is exactly the
kind of thing a non-believer will do to try and discredit
God's Word and thus justify their rejection of its truth.
Of course, the mainstream media is only too happy to
participate in this process of taking the lie, and making
people accept it as the truth.

I will pray for you today. If you do not understand yet
that there is a major battle going on, WAKE UP! The
Bible clearly tells us that our battle is not of flesh
and blood, but a spiritual one. It is "against
principalities, against powers, against the rulers of
the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness
in high places." The people of God, who possess the only
real truth there is, must become bolder to take that
truth to this lost and hurting world we live in. We must
speak out! We cannot, and we MUST NOT sit back and watch
the enemy exchange the Truth for a lie!!!

In His love and service,
Your friend and brother in Christ,
Bill Keller

***If I can help you in any way you can contact me
through my personal email at

ETERNITY? The fact is you will die one day. At
that moment, you will either spend eternity with
the Lord or be cast into everlasting darkness
forever separated from God your creator. To know
for certain you will be forever with Jesus, go to:

receiving your Daily Devotional again. LPeMail is
an effective email SPAM filtering application
that most ISP's charge $10/mo, for FREE! Get your
LPeMail account now at:

***I am excited to let you know that the Liveprayer
Daily Devotional is now available via AUDIO each
day. Simply go to
Also, you can now listen to the Daily Devotional by
phone by calling toll-free,1-888-382-4662, or
access it on your wireless device by going to:

(C) Copyright 2006, Bill Keller Ministries.
All rights reserved


May God bless you as you learn from this message!

Donald W. Mitchell, Your Dream Concierge

Copyright 2006 Donald W. Mitchell

Sunday, May 07, 2006

Leave Adultery Behind

Good morning, Happy Souls!

Bill Keller wrote a devotional today that I
recommend to you. He has given me permission to
copy his e-mails, and I'm sure he would be happy if
you would share this with people you know as well.

Adultery is one of the great challenges that marriages
face today. It can destroy your marriage, your family
... and leave you with nothing except shame.

It's time to repent and stop your adultery.

Please read on.


( Exodus 20:14 )

Trading in your spouse for a newer model, a message for
those committing adultery. I wish I could tell you the
number of emails I get daily from women whose husbands
have left them for another woman, as well as men whose
wives have left them for another man. Today it is time
to speak to you openly, honestly, and hopefully bring some
of you back to REALITY before it is too late.

Here is the way the story goes. "Bob" is 50 and after 26
years of marriage, 3 children, all of a sudden one of the
20-something-year-old women he works with is paying
attention to him. "Bob" now feels like a 15-year-old
boy in love for the first time. He starts working out for
the first time in 20 years, buys Grecian formula for that
graying hair, gets some new clothes, and his mind is
racing with endless fantasies. This young woman likes
"Bob" because she just broke up with her immature
boyfriend and is lonely, is one of those women that likes
the game of taking men who are married, is looking for a
"dad" for her children, is looking at "Bob" for what she
can get out of him, or in some VERY rare cases, actually
does like him. really does like you and cares about you are MINIMAL!>

They end up going out to lunch together, going away on
business functions, and go to incredible extremes to have
time together. "Bob" eventually listens to enough of
satan's lies, gets deep enough into sin that soon he quits
even trying to hide his affair and pretty soon actually
moves out to be with the other woman full time. Shortly
after that, the other woman ends up cheating on him and
soon gets tired of "Bob" and kicks him out. It is usually
about this time "Bob" wakes up and realizes he has just
ruined his life, the life of his wife, and the lives of
his children.

Just to be fair, this EXACT story also happens almost
proportionately these days with women leaving their
husbands for another man.

Early in my marriage (app. 19 yrs ago), when I was not
walking with the Lord I was involved in several adulterous
affairs. I thank God daily for His love and mercy, for
His forgiveness. I thank God daily for my wife and her
commitment to our marriage and unconditional love that
allowed her to forgive me. I confess this to you today so
those who read this will know that I understand this
subject from personal experience.

Adultery is simply an act of gross selfishness. There is
NO excuse for it, no way to even try and justify it. It
is an act of total rebellion towards God. It is sin, and
trust me my friend, God cannot and will not bless sin.
When you commit this act, you are sinning against God,
your spouse, yourself, and you are contributing to the
sin of the other person. There are NO winners in an
adulterous situation. EVERYONE LOSES. For whatever
moments of pleasure there are, you pay an incredibly high
price. So why do so many people make this sinful choice?

The reasons for committing adultery are endless. All of
them added up together still aren't justification for
this blatant act of disobedience to God. Do you realize
the time and effort that it takes to be involved in an
adulterous relationship, if that same time and effort was
put towards your spouse it would do wonders for your

If you took all of the time it takes planning to be
together with that other person, put forth the same energy
you do to please that other person, was as kind,
considerate, and affectionate as you are with that other
person....with your much better your
marriage would be??? Do you realize that when you are
involved in an adulterous relationship how much
communication there is with the other person? If you put
even half of that communication into your marriage it
would be dramatically better overnight!!!

Here is reality my friend. There is no future with a
person you are involved in an adulterous relationship
with. It will never work out long-term, if for no other
reason, God is never going to bless a union rooted in
such sin. Whatever problems that exist in your marriage
that even cause you to consider committing adultery can
be fixed with the effort of both spouses and asking God
to help you.

For whatever reasons there may have been, you chose to
make a vow to God and your spouse for the rest of your
life and now you need to make it work. For those who are
not yet married, maybe now you can see why it is SO
IMPORTANT to not rush into marriage. Stay pure so you
aren't forced into marriage. Be equally yoked so there
is spiritual harmony and communication in a marriage.
Most problems stem from the marriage starting on a
non-spiritual foundation. Marriage is SERIOUS and for

I love you and care about you so much. I know many of you
are hurting today because your spouse has cheated on you.
You are NOT responsible for his/her actions. Your spouse
has the same free will that you have. Your most effective
weapon is to pray for them, and commit them to God since
only He can change their heart.

My wife learned how to really trust God 100% during that
period in our life many years ago. It is a time to make
your faith real. The Lord will help you overcome the pain
and hurt, and actually be able to forgive your spouse and
move forward in your relationship. God is a God of healing
and restoration if you are both committed to your marriage.

For those who are currently involved in an adulterous
relationship I have one thing to say to you, STOP
TODAY!!! I know that it will be difficult, but it is the
first step to getting your relationship with God back,
and your life back. Anyone who is honest, knows that
life becomes almost not worth living under those
conditions. God will always help you when you are trying
to follow His way. Whatever problems that exist in your
marriage, adultery is not the answer. Honest open
communication with your spouse, allowing God to be an
active part of your life, working at the commitment you
made to your husband/wife....this is what it is going to
take to make your marriage all that God wants it to be.

Because of the widespread nature of this issue, know that
I will be spending time in prayer for those of you who are
dealing with this in your life. Both those who are
committing adultery, and those who have a spouse cheating
on them. My prayer is that you will find that intimate,
personal relationship with the Lord that you need to
overcome the pain you are facing in your life. No matter
how hopeless things may look, there is ALWAYS hope in
Christ. Get right with God, then get right with your
spouse. It is the only answer and God will help you when
you commit your life to Him and follow His Word.

You trade in your CAR for a newer model, not your spouse!
Marriage is a lifetime commitment!

In His love and service,
Your friend and brother in Christ,
Bill Keller

***If I can help you in any way you can contact me
through my personal email at

ETERNITY? The fact is you will die one day. At
that moment, you will either spend eternity with
the Lord or be cast into everlasting darkness
forever separated from God your creator. To know
for certain you will be forever with Jesus, go to:

receiving your Daily Devotional again. LPeMail is
an effective email SPAM filtering application
that most ISP's charge $10/mo, for FREE! Get your
LPeMail account now at:

***I am excited to let you know that the Liveprayer
Daily Devotional is now available via AUDIO each
day. Simply go to
Also, you can now listen to the Daily Devotional by
phone by calling toll-free,1-888-382-4662, or
access it on your wireless device by going to:

(C) Copyright 2006, Bill Keller Ministries.
All rights reserved


May God bless you as you learn from this message!

Donald W. Mitchell, Your Dream Concierge

Copyright 2006 Donald W. Mitchell