Friday, February 10, 2006

God May Answer Your Prayers in Unexpected Ways -- It's Okay!

Good morning, Happy Souls!

Bill Keller wrote a wonderful devotional today
that I highly recommend to you. He has given
me permission to copy his e-mails, and I'm sure
he would be happy if you would share this with
people you know as well.

It's always been hard for me to know how to talk
about my faith. I'm getting better. Perhaps
you sometimes feel the same way. If so, today's
devotional is for you and me.

Please read on.


( Psalms 91:15, Isaiah 65:24 )

When God doesn't answer our prayers the way we want.
Today, I want to address an issue that I know
troubles many people. Everyone has prayers that
aren't answered the way we wanted them to be
answered. We prayed for God to heal someone we
love, only to see them die. We prayed for a
financial need that didn't get met. We have all
had prayers that simply weren't answered the way
we wanted them to be.

What does that mean? Does that mean we prayed wrong?
Does that mean we didn't have enough faith when we
prayed? Does that mean God didn't hear us? What does
it mean when we pray and we don't get the answer we

Never forget that prayer demonstrators our dependence
upon God. If you didn't need God's help why would you
pray to Him in the first place? We pray out of our
need. We are constantly dealing with the trials and
tribulations of living in this sinful and evil world.
We pray because we are instructed to in God's Word.
God tells us over and over to call on His name, to
cast our cares upon Him, to boldly come to the throne
of grace. We pray in faith. We pray believing that
God is able to meet whatever need we have, no matter
how small or great that need may be.

As you mature in your walk with the Lord, you begin
to accept that there are things you will pray for
that simply won't be answer as you desired. That
doesn't mean God didn't hear you, or that God doesn't
love you, or that God is punishing you. It doesn't
mean that you prayed wrong or that you didn't have
enough faith. It simply means that God had another

Many times I have prayed for something and didn't get
the answer I wanted. Of course I was disappointed,
maybe a little frustrated, even a bit discouraged.
But as I matured in my relationship with the Lord I
began to accept God's answer even when it wasn't the
answer I wanted to hear.

I have come to the place in my journey with Jesus
that I pray in faith, pray believing, but am willing
to accept God's answer regardless what it is since
I know His answer is the best answer. God sees down
the road where I can't. He sees the big picture that
I can't. I have come to realize that God loves me
and how He answers my prayers, even when they are
not the answers I want, are because He only wants
the best for me.

I love you and care about you so much. Let me give
you some wisdom today. In the end you want God's
answer, not yours. Like I tell you all the time,
God's way works, our ways don't. I can assure you
that God's answer will always be better than yours.

Some people may say, "why pray at all, why waste my
time?" Simple, because God tells us to pray! Again,
prayer demonstrates our dependence upon God, it is a
way of exercising our faith. We pray, but are
prepared for God's answer which may not be the answer
we want. However, we accept it because it is the
best answer for our life.

So don't be upset the next time you don't get the
answer you wanted from God. Instead praise Him for
the answer, knowing that His answer is better than
yours. The key to this whole issue is for God's
heart and desires to become our heart and desires.
We can't always know the heart and desires of God,
but the longer we walk with Him, the more we study
His Word, the more our heart becomes with His heart
and our desires become His desires. That is the
place all followers of Christ should strive to be.

In His love and service,
Your friend and brother in Christ,
Bill Keller

***If I can help you in any way you can contact me
through my personal email at

ETERNITY? The fact is you will die one day. At
that moment, you will either spend eternity with
the Lord or be cast into everlasting darkness
forever separated from God your creator. To know
for certain you will be forever with Jesus, go to:

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***I am excited to let you know that the Liveprayer
Daily Devotional is now available via AUDIO each
day. Simply go to
Also, you can now listen to the Daily Devotional by
phone by calling toll-free,1-888-382-4662, or
access it on your wireless device by going to:

(C) Copyright 2006, Bill Keller Ministries.
All rights reserved


May God bless you as you learn from this message!

Donald W. Mitchell, Your Dream Concierge

Copyright 2006 Donald W. Mitchell


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