Sunday, March 12, 2006

What, God?

Good morning, Happy Souls!

Bill Keller wrote a devotional today that I
recommend to you. He has given me permission to
copy his e-mails, and I'm sure he would be happy if
you would share this with people you know as well.

Do you ever wonder why God allows bad things to
happen? Perhaps you would learn more if you asked
God a different question.

Please read on.


(Isaiah 55:8,9)

The question is not "Why God," it is "What, God." I
have preached a message over the years called, "The
Right Question." It is a message you need today
because everyone comes to that place in life when
they ask, "Why God?" I can't tell you how many
times over the last 14 years of ministry I've been
with people at a funeral, in a hospital room, in a
counseling session, and inevitably the same question
always gets asked, "Why, why is God allowing this to
happen?" "Why is this happening?" "Why doesn't God
care?" "Why doesn't God stop this?" "Why doesn't God
step in and change this?" "Why, why, why God?"

First of all, that is a natural question. Don't feel
bad. As a matter of fact, if you haven't asked that
question you're not normal. We all come to that place
from time to time, especially in the midst of serious
trials in our life when we look up at God and we just
say, "Why God? "Where are you?" "Why aren't you
helping me?" "Why God?" Today, I want to help you to
ask the proper question. "Why God" is the natural
question, however, the proper question is, "What, God?"

Living in this sin-filled world that we do, a world
full of men living in utter rebellion to God and His
Word, there is incredible evil all around us. Because
of that sin and evil, there is always going to be bad
things happening. That is simply part of this human
experience. Just hours before going to the cross,
Jesus took His disciples to the side and said, "in
this life, you are going to have trials and tribulations."

Jesus didn't want His disciples to think that just
because they had walked with Him, that their life was
going to be a bed of roses. Anybody who thinks that
when you get saved you automatically receive a free
pass from the trials and tribulations from life is
sadly mistaken. You see, trials and tribulations are
part of living in this sin-filled and evil world
that we do. Just like death is part of this life, the
trials and tribulations we all face during our life
are also part of this human experience.

Now, you can go through the trials and tribulations
of life, face those difficult circumstances we all
have along our journey and whine and moan and complain
and ask "Why God," or you can ask the proper question
which is, "What, God?" What God, what can I learn
from this situation? God what lesson can I take from
this experience? Most importantly, "God, what can I
do to serve You through this?"

You read in the Book of Acts about some of the experiences
Paul went through. Repeatedly tossed into prison for
his faith, chased out of towns, people trying to kill
him, but you never read about Paul asking God why.
Instead he asked, "What God can I do to glorify You
through all that I am going through?" You see my
friend, that has got to be your response to the
trials and tribulations that you face in this life.
Instead of wasting your time and energy moaning and
complaining and asking God why, figure out what you
can do in the midst of your trials and tribulations
to serve Him and bring glory to His name.

You see, our purpose in this life is to serve and
glorify God. That's our purpose. That purpose doesn't
change just because we're going through a difficult
time. I'll never forget in the early days of
Liveprayer when we were facing what seemed to be
insurmountable pressures and problems andissues every
day. One day I really need to sit down and write a
book about the first year of Liveprayer and the miracle
it was that we survived, as a testimony of God's
faithfulness. I'd sit here and break down if I
started to tell you half of the things that we went
through in those early days. But instead of sitting
there and complaining and asking God "why" every
day, I finally came to a place where I said, "God
what can I do to serve and glorify you this day?"

Many of the things you are asking "Why God," are
out of your control. In most cases, you can't
control the fact that you've got cancer in your
body, got laid off from your job, your husband or
wife left you, or your son or your daughter is living
their lives in rebellion to God. So many of the
things that we face in our life are things that we
have no control over in the first place. It's at
those times that your faith has got to become real
and you have to put your complete faith and trust
in God. When you do that, you are no longer sitting
there asking, "Why God, why is this happening to
me?" Instead, you are asking, "What, God, what can
I do for you?"

I love you and care about you so much. Do you
want to start living in freedom? Do you want to
start living with that joy in your heart? Do you
want to start living with that peace the Bible
says passes all human understanding? Oh, my friend,
when you are not asking why anymore, but instead
are asking what, there is a peace, there is a joy,
there is a freedom you can't even put into words.
It is indescribable. You see, Jesus, after He told
His disciples that there would be trials and
tribulations quickly added, "but be of good cheer
because I have overcome this world!"

My friend, God knows what your problems are today.
Give them to Him since I guarantee you He can handle
them better than you can. What that does is free
you up to not waste your time and energy asking why,
but spend it serving the Lord. You need to ask,
"What, God, what can I do for you today, what can I
do to serve you today?" I know many of you are
hurting and going through difficult times right now.
My admonition to you, my counsel to you, my
encouragement for you is to change your question.
Change your question from, "Why God" to "What, God."

In His love and service,
Your friend and brother in Christ,
Bill Keller

***If I can help you in any way you can contact me
through my personal email at

ETERNITY? The fact is you will die one day. At
that moment, you will either spend eternity with
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(C) Copyright 2006, Bill Keller Ministries.
All rights reserved


May God bless you as you learn from this message!

Donald W. Mitchell, Your Dream Concierge

Copyright 2006 Donald W. Mitchell


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